Organic Argan Oil Hair Treatment

o'Naomi Organic Argan Oil Hair Treatment Fixed Size

  • Argan oil is a precious oil, easily absorbed by the hair and skin, it is widely used  in Moroccan women hair, skina nd nail care for hundreds of years.  Argan oil is extracted from the Argan nut, according to ancestral tradition technology. It uses 100 kg of nuts and eight hours to make only one liter of argan oil, so it is extremely rare and recognized as "liquid gold." Argan oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, Omega 3, Omega 9, vitamin E and vitamin F. The non-greasy and light texture of argan oil is easily absorbed, can nourish, and repair of the dry and damage hair effectively.  Also can balance scalp oil, promote hair growth and strengthen hair amd against daily damage. 
  • o'Naomi Organic Argan Oil Hair Treatment 200ML Nourish hair and restore hair shine. Improve the hair split ends and strengthen hair, restore the elastic. Effectively repair the hair cuticle, nourishing cuticle, smooth frizz, protect hair to avoid external damage. Effectively
¥1,785 送料無料
  • 100%正規品保証
  • 日ヤマト運輸による追跡サービス付き無料配送です。通常配達には5日から10日かかります。受け取りの際にはサインが必要です。
  • 30日間の満足保証を提供します。 製品に問題がある場合は、メールを送信してください。保証付きの解決策を提供します。
カテゴリー Hair Care
ブランド o'Naomi
サイズ Fixed Size

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