お肌にやさしく保湿力に優れた、泡立ちのいいクレンザーです。表皮の汚れや古い細胞も除去します。すばやく浸透し、お肌の明度をアップします *敏感肌の方におすすめです。
うるおいたっぷりの透明感あふれる肌に導きます。朝、晩、化粧水の前にご使用ください。 Leaves skin clear & translucent with an even glow To us...
マルチタスクの植物ベースのフェイシャルジェル 乳液、美容液、クリーム、マッサージ、マスクの効果を1つにまとめました べたつきや油っぽさがなく、素早く溶ける軽量な食感が特徴です 保湿特性のため...
A plant-based, medicated lotion for face, neck & body Contains carefully selected oriental herbal...
A plant-based, brightening facial foam wash Creates a rich, creamy lather to cleanse pores & remo...
A whitening & UV protective facial emulsion Features a lightweight, comfortable texture for fast...
A case for snow CC powder With a double-sided sponge with a sponge surface for covering power & a...
Formulated with best-selected botanical extracts to maximize skin's capacity for moisture Noticea...
美化と保湿のフェイシャルエマルジョン 濃厚で豊かで焦げ付き防止のテクスチャーは、角質層の最後の隅々にすぐに溶けます アジアの植物抽出物の豪華なフォーミュラは、ちょうど適切な水分バランスを作...
A plant-based, medicated whitening emulsion Contains oriental herbal extracts to deliver rich moi...
A CC powder with SPF protection Provides a natural coverage over pores & unevenness Skincare for...
A CC powder with SPF protection Provides a natural coverage over pores & unevenness Skincare for...
A multi-functional BB essence that brightens, hydrates & protects the skin Provides six benefits ...
A multi-functional BB essence that brightens, hydrates & protects the skin Provides six benefits ...
A refreshing UV defense gel that hydrates & protects the skin Provides a lightweight, non-sticky ...
A refreshing UV defense milk that hydrates & protects the skin Provides a lightweight, non-sticky...
A brightening essence lotion designed to enhance skin’s natural radiance & clarity Delivers a ref...
An advanced wrinkle serum designed to firm & rejuvenate the skin Delivers a rich, creamy texture ...
A brightening mask designed to clarify & refine the skin Infused with Coix Seed Extract to moistu...
A BB essence designed to brighten & protect the skin Infused with Coix Seed Extract to moisturize...