Guerlain Les Voilettes Translucent Compact powder - # 03 Medium 5.5g/0.19oz
- A lightweight mattifying compact powder that sets makeup base
- Formulated with absorbing powders & pearls
- Instantly conceals imperfections & adds radiance to skin
- Infused with a violet scent
- Encased in a stylish golden case with a Swiss dots pattern Gives a satin, matte, natural & transparent finish
ユニセックスで使えるシトラス系のフレグランスです 爽快、清潔、スパイシー、グリーンの元気が出る香り トップノートはカラブリアのベルガモットとプチグレン ミドルノートはカルダモンとジンジャー ベースノートはウッディアコードとホワイトムスク 2017年に発売 春〜夏向き
ユニセックスで使えるシトラス系のフレグランスです 爽快、清潔、スパイシー、グリーンの元気が出る香り トップノートはカラブリアのベルガモットとプチグレン ミドルノートはカルダモンとジンジャー ベースノートはウッディアコードとホワイトムスク 2017年に発売 春〜夏向き
モダンな女性のためのフローラルアクアティックフレグランス トップノート:ヴァイオレット、ウォータートーン、メロン、ワイルドフラワー ミドルノート:ソーラートーン、ジャスミン、オレンジブロッサム ベースノート:ヴァイオレット、アイリス、ホワイトムスク 夏をイメージにした香り
アロマティックフルーティーフレグランス(女性・男性用) さわやかで甘く、暖かく、土っぽい、活気と洗練の香り トップノート:カシス、レモン、ベルガモット ミドルノート:ザクロ、セージ、ローズ、ヒノキ ベースノート:ホワイトムスク、モス、パチュリ 2020発売予定夏の装いにはぴったり
アロマティックフルーティーフレグランス(女性・男性用) さわやかで甘く、暖かく、土っぽい、活気と洗練の香り トップノート:カシス、レモン、ベルガモット ミドルノート:ザクロ、セージ、ローズ、ヒノキ ベースノート:ホワイトムスク、モス、パチュリ 2020発売予定夏の装いにはぴったり
シトラスアロマフレグランス 女性用にも男性用にも最適 クリスピー、スパイシー、ブライト、ウォーム&アップリフティング、レッドオレンジ、ペパーミント、トンカビーンズ、ピンクペッパー、ベルガモット、ウッディーアコードの香り 春夏の着用に最適
現代女性向けの花のフルーティーな香り フレッシュ、スウィート、ジューシー、エレガント、フェミニンで魅惑的な香り トップノートはベルガモット、ライチ、ブラックカラント、レモン ミドルノートはローズ&牡丹 ベースノートはウッディアコード、スギ、ホワイトムスク 2018年発売 あらゆる機会にお使いいただけます
現代女性向けの花のフルーティーな香り フレッシュ、スウィート、ジューシー、エレガント、フェミニンで魅惑的な香り トップノートはベルガモット、ライチ、ブラックカラント、レモン ミドルノートはローズ&牡丹 ベースノートはウッディアコード、スギ、ホワイトムスク 2018年発売 あらゆる機会にお使いいただけます
A fragrance for men with a citrus amber scent Top notes are lemon, Brazilian rosewood, orange, bergamot, lime, tangerine & basil Middle notes are rose, carnation, sandalwood, cinnamon, patchouli, jasmine & cedar Base notes are vanilla, leather, amber, benzoin, oakmoss & labdanum Launched in 2003 as a homage to the equestrian art Perfect for all occasions Presented in a square, facetted & refined bottle with a heavy, matte cap
Dermo-Cosmetic Careに触発された二重の有効性顔面血清 自然由来の96%で配合されています ダブルアドバンステクノロジーを使用して、単一のステップで剥離と持ち上げ効果を提供します 高度な皮むき効果テクノロジー:放射輝度を回復する白い蜂蜜濃縮物、AHASスローリリース技術とリサーフェシングPHAで濃縮されたPHA 高度なリフティング効果テクノロジー:皮膚の修復プロセスを刺激するのに役立つ青少年補正ダイナミックブラックビー修理技術は、バイオテクノロジー特許取得済みの方法に由来する緊張ポリファームメントの蜂蜜で豊富に豊富です 10個の微生物と300を超える反応は、honeysをOuessant&Ikaria諸島から新しい強力なアクティブ成分に変換します 毛穴を洗練し、肌の組織構造を締めます 肌はより滑らかで、より硬く、より明るく、更新されます 有効成分を最後の瞬間まで完全に保存し、プラスチックを大幅に削減する革新的なダブルガラスボトルで提示されます
A citrus aromatic fragrance for contemporary women that combines Italian mandarin, sandalwood, and vanilla tincture Top notes are mandarin orange, basil & cassis Middle notes are orange blossom, honey, Bulgarian rose & anise Base notes are vanilla & sandalwood Contains more than 90% natural origin Housed in a refillable & recyclable bottle with at least 15% recycled glass Perfect for all occasions Made in France
現代の女性のための花の水生香り 風通しの良い、さわやかな、ジューシー、ハーブ、パウダー状と活気づき 上部のノートはバイオレット、水っぽい色調、メロン、野生の花です 真ん中のノートはソーラートーン、ジャスミン、オレンジの花です ベースノートはバイオレット、アイリス、ホワイトマスクです 2021年に発売 春または夏の摩耗にお勧めします
現代の女性のための柑橘類の芳香香り 新鮮で、ジューシーで、活気があり、バランスが取れています クレメンタイン、オレンジブロッサム、アイビー、緑茶、ビターオレンジのトップノート 牡丹、カモミール、マンダリンオレンジ&バジルの真ん中のノート サンダルウッド&アンバーのベースノート 2007年に発売されました あらゆる機会に最適です
女性のためのさわやかな香り Sparkling&Alive、官能的でエキゾチック 寛大で柔らかい太陽が降り注ぐ肉から流れるような レモン、グレープフルーツ、ベルガモットのトップノート ブラックカラント、プチの穀物のハートノート パチョリ&バニラのベースノート
A fragrance offers fresh, woody & sensual experience Features notes of pepper, cedar, leather & vanilla Recommended for daytime wear
高性能アンチエイジングフェイシャルセラム ソフトピールフォーミュラは「新しい肌」効果を提供します 肌を刺激することなく表皮の更新サイクルを促進する Ouessant BlackBee Honey&Exclusive Royal Jellyを搭載 老化の目に見える兆候と戦うのに役立ちます 肌の弾力性と硬さを改善しながら、しわや毛穴の外観を減らします 新鮮で風通しの良い蜂蜜の香りが吹き込まれます 顔はより充実しているように見え、輪郭はより洗練されているように見えます より滑らかで、より輝く、そして若く見える顔色を明らかにする
The first amber-coloured masculine fragrance of the brand for men Top notes are green notes, bergamot & grapefruit Middle notes are cannabis, mate & red rose Base notes are leather, patchouli & vanilla Launched in 2022 Prefect for all occasions
A leather fragrance for men with top notes of green notes, bergamot, and grapefruit, middle notes of cannabis, mate, and red rose, and base notes of leather, patchouli, and vanilla. It was launched in 2022 and is suitable for all occasions.
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A skin perfecting, ultra-hydrating & radiance boosting primer The iconic sensory gel texture creates instantly unified skin Formulated with 98% naturally-derived ingredients Contains a hint of 24-karat gold that provides 24-hour absolute radiance Delivers optimal hydration for 24 hours & strengthens the barrier function Corrects imperfections & smooths skin texture for a flawless canvas ready for makeup Skin appears plumper & rejuvenated Presented in a deluxe transparent jewel-like bottle with a golden cap
A shimmering powder formulated with 96% naturally-derived ingredients A resplendent golden complexion in a naturally-derived formula Features a light, buildable second-skin texture that settles like a delicate veil on skin Infused with natural Argan oil with moisturising properties to offer long-lasting wear & comfort all day long Reproduces the distinctive, dazzling & sensual light of the golden hour for a radiant & sensual glow
A shimmering powder formulated with 96% naturally-derived ingredients A resplendent golden complexion in a naturally-derived formula Features a light, buildable second-skin texture that settles like a delicate veil on skin Infused with natural Argan oil with moisturising properties to offer long-lasting wear & comfort all day long Reproduces the distinctive, dazzling & sensual light of the golden hour for a radiant & sensual glow
A citrus aromatic fragrance for women & men Celebrates the beauty of nature, revealed by the golden rays of a sunset Warm, intense, smooth, sensual & enveloping Top notes are bergamot, fig leaf & Petitgrain Middle notes are neroli, fig & rose Base notes are vetiver, cedar & Tonka bean Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for daily wear & casual occasions
A citrus aromatic fragrance for women & men Celebrates the beauty of nature, revealed by the golden rays of a sunset Warm, intense, smooth, sensual & enveloping Top notes are bergamot, fig leaf & Petitgrain Middle notes are neroli, fig & rose Base notes are vetiver, cedar & Tonka bean Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for daily wear & casual occasions
An aromatic floral fragrance for women & men Soft, warm, sweet, delicious, woody & inviting Contains the notes of orange blossom honey from Guerlain's own beehives in Calabria (Italy), neroli essence & vetiver Aqua Allegoria Harvest is an exceptional, limited-edition collection made from exclusive harvests Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for warmer seasons & casual occasions
A multi-effect eyeshadow with 4 stunning shades Features intense pigments & soft texture Formulated with winter rose oil Glides easily over the lid & can be blended to create multiple effects Offers four different finishes: satin, matte, metallic & pearl Contained in an elegant jewel compacts, slipped into a black velvet suede pouch Includes applicators for ease of application: foam tips for maximum coverage, a liner for a precise line and a brush to blend the textures
A multi-effect eyeshadow with 4 stunning shades Features intense pigments & soft texture Formulated with winter rose oil Glides easily over the lid & can be blended to create multiple effects Offers four different finishes: satin, matte, metallic & pearl Contained in an elegant jewel compacts, slipped into a black velvet suede pouch Includes applicators for ease of application: foam tips for maximum coverage, a liner for a precise line and a brush to blend the textures
A multi-effect eyeshadow with 4 stunning shades Features intense pigments & soft texture Formulated with winter rose oil Glides easily over the lid & can be blended to create multiple effects Offers four different finishes: satin, matte, metallic & pearl Contained in an elegant jewel compacts, slipped into a black velvet suede pouch Includes applicators for ease of application: foam tips for maximum coverage, a liner for a precise line and a brush to blend the textures
An intense volume & curl mascara Gives intense colour & 360 make-up result The formula based on winter rose oil that offers a smooth glide Contains tailor-made alliance of pigments for deeply intense shades The curved brush hugs the lashes shape to give them exceptional volume & a dizzying curl Lashes are instantly coated & sculpted Delivers a vibrant finish to make lashes flutter like butterfly wings
A rejuvenating radiance foundation Embodied the ideal alliance of make-up & skincare for an unmatched glow Features a smooth & sensory texture The formula is 85% rejuvenating skincare-based, for a beautified skin, application after application Contains a hint of pure 24-karat gold, associated to a duo of white peony extracts, which offers an exceptional & luminous complexion Skin is hydrated & incredibly supple for all day Housed in a transparent glass bottle, the gold letters & the gold radiance of the cap highlight the object's elegance Available in a rage of shades
A fluid foundation kabuki brush Combines the smoothing power of a brush, the seamless-finish power of a sponge & the massaging power of a skincare tool Its high-quality synthetic, short bristles gently caress the face Its short handle allows the hand to be positioned close to the makeup application area, for greater control Makes the application technique easier due to its high density, facilitating a precise yet intuitive approach The result is precise, airy & refined An ideal companion for all fluid foundations
L'Or Radiance Concentrate with Pure Gold Makeup + BIO UP Rose Collagen Intensive Serum Foundation SPF50 30ml
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
An intense volume & curl mascara Gives intense colour & 360 make-up result The formula based on winter rose oil that offers a smooth glide Contains tailor-made alliance of pigments for deeply intense shades The curved brush hugs the lashes shape to give them exceptional volume & a dizzying curl Lashes are instantly coated & sculpted Delivers a vibrant finish to make lashes flutter like butterfly wings
A rejuvenating, 24h wear & no-transfer compact foundation Designed for long-lasting wear, providing a flawless & radiant matte complexion Blends makeup with skincare, featuring 24-karat gold and white peony extracts Offers a controlled matte finish without a mask effect or cakiness, ensuring the skin appears smooth & plump Aims to unify the skin tone while maintaining comfort & radiance throughout the day Available in various shades to match different skin tones, ensuring a precise & natural look
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