Sisley Ombre Eclat Longwear Liquid Eyeshadow - #5 Bronze 6.5ml/0.21oz
- A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow
- Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness
- The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long
- Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results
- Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness
- Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application
- Does not settle in the eyelid creases
- Available in an array of shades for matching
強力でふっくらと明るくなるフェイシャルクリーム 微細な水滴に変化する絹のような感覚テクスチャーが特徴 表皮と真皮をふっくらさせるアルケケンギカリックスエキスが含まれている パドピーナパボニカエキスとブレンドして、ふっくらとしたアクションを実現 肌の輝きを高めるブラックローズエキスとアルパインローズエキスを配合 メイローズ水、シア&カメリナオイルを配合 さわやかさと長続きする快適さを瞬時に感じられる 肌はより柔らかく、滑らかで、弾力があり、強く水分を含んでおり、若々しく見える 敏感肌を含むすべての肌タイプに最適
心地よい癒しのスリーピングマスク 肌の夜行性の自然な活動をサポートしながら、乾燥肌を一晩補給し、快適にするのを助けます 植物ベースの主要成分を使用して、肌に集中的に栄養を与え、保湿します サフランフラワーエキス配合で、乾燥肌を鎮めます 自然由来のハチミツとオレンジの花の香りがしみ込んでいます やわらかく、なめらかで輝きのある活力のあるお肌をお届けします SOSマスクとしても使用でき、わずか10分で安心と快適さを提供します
効果的なメイク落としとスキンケアアクションを組み合わせたもの 肌にマッサージすると、デリケートで滑らかな発泡フォーミュラがクリームに変わる マッサージにより、独特の超感覚的な質感が強化される メイク、不純物、汚染、皮脂、角質を一筆で取り除くのに役立つ すすぎ後のタイト感を防ぐために牡丹エキスが含まれている グレープフルーツエキスとブレンドして、肌の質感を視覚的に滑らかにする イチョウ葉エキスを配合して肌の輝きを取り戻す 肌を完全に清潔で柔らかく、新鮮で快適なままにする 敏感を含むすべての肌タイプに適している
手と爪のための強烈な保湿と栄養クリーム 軽量でありながら豊かなテクスチャーにより、ベトベトした仕上がりでべたつきや油膜がない バイオサッカライド溶液と植物ベースの砂糖が含まれており、水を継続的に捕捉して保持する 肌のバリア機能をサポートして水分を封じ込める栗抽出物と配合 より美しい爪と目立たないキューティクルで、手を柔らかく、栄養を与え、快適に保つ
香りのよい、耐水性の日焼け止めクリーム べたつかないしなやかなエマルジョンのテクスチャーは、白い痕跡を残さずに肌に溶ける 最先端のUVAおよびUVBフィルターと非常に高度な保護有効成分を組み合わせている 日光や光老化から保護する肌の能力を維持するのに役立つ 皮膚のバリア機能を強化するためのエーデルワイス抽出物とツバキ油が含まれている しなやかさとうるおいを回復するために、シアオイル、ツバキオイル、マンゴーエキスを配合 天然のラベンダーとゼラニウムのエッセンシャルオイルの香り 肌を柔らかく、快適に保ち、潤いを与える
目元をリフレッシュ&活性化する濃縮液 バラ色の乳液の質感が肌の表面をフレッシュで溶けるジェルに変えます レッドバイン抽出物を配合し、美白効果とくま取り効果を高めます むくみを軽減するためにカフェインとブレンド パディナパボニカエキスを配合し、保湿とスムージングの効果をもたらします 保護のためにビタミンEアセテートを搭載 メイローズウォーターの自然な香り 冷たいセラミックアプリケーターは、さわやかな感覚を即座に生み出し、マッサージを促進します より休息し、活力があり、若く見える目の領域を明らかにします
顔と目のためのバームを取り外してクレンジングする高性能メイク ユニークなテクスチャはオイルに変換され、塗布時に乳白色の乳剤に変わります 3つの栄養油と軟化オイルで配合:ババス、シア、マカダミア 効果的で最適なフェイスとアイメイクの削除とクレンジングを提供します 幸福の真の瞬間のためにユニークな感覚体験を提供します 脂っこい残留物のない皮膚の放射と快適なままにします すべての肌タイプに最適です 眼科的および皮膚療法制御の下でテストされた耐性
目と唇のための新鮮なジェルメイクのリムーバー 効果的なメイクアップの除去とスキンケアの利点を組み合わせています 柔らかく溶けたジェルテクスチャは、新鮮さの心地よい感覚を提供します 防水性を含めて、最も頑固なメイクも優しくて効果的に除去します より柔らかい光沢のある外観のためにまつげを強化します 完璧に浄化された、目に見えて休息し、より輝く目の領域を明らかにします 眼科でテストされた耐性
超感覚的で栄養補給&なだめるようなボディ保湿剤 ビロードのような、豊かで繊細なテクスチャーは、輝く仕上げを与えます 二重のターゲットアクションを提供するために昼と夜に働きます 日中、ソバの種子抽出物は保護をサポートするのに役立ちます 夜、シアバターは皮膚を栄養で補充します Padina Pavonicaと日本のLilyturf抽出物が含まれており、保湿を促進します サフランの花の抽出物と混ざり合い、乾燥肌を和らげるための新しいシスリーキーの成分 自然起源の香りが吹き込まれ、幸福の感覚をもたらす ボディスキンを柔らかく、新鮮で、より快適で、輝き、活性化します
超効果的で二重のアクション、昼と夜のボディケア ゲルイン油エマルジョンテクスチャは、最適な新鮮さを提供します 日中は、ピンクのベリーオイル、カフェイン、セドル、白いジンジャーエキスのユニークなブレンドが、太ももがより明確で硬く見えるようにするのに役立ちます 夜には、マンダリン抽出物の力、プランクトンからのアンドロバオイルとエクソポリサッカライドの力がセルライトの外観を最小限に抑えるのに役立ちます 滑らかな肌のために「オレンジピールの皮膚」を減らします ラベンダー、セージ、マジョラム、ローズマリーエッセンシャルオイル、セドロールの自然な香りが注入されています ビロードのような仕上げと即時の調子効果を提供します
リリーンではないヘアケアクリーム 貴重な植物油と複合体230で濃縮され、熱によって活性化された 最大450°F/230°Cまでの熱スタイリングツールから毛繊維を保護します 矯正を容易にし、より完全に定義されたブロードライを可能にします 髪を強くし、栄養を与え、縮れ、制御下に置いてください スタイリングまたはスムージングヘアケアクリーム、または休暇中のコンディショナーとして使用できます
頭皮のためのリバランス、なだめる抗ダンドラフ治療 ふけの外観の原因となる根本的な要因を扱う 激しいリバランス複合体とプロビタミンB5で処方されました 新鮮で純粋な頭皮を浄化し、維持します 頭皮の刺激を和らげ、不快感から保護します 毛繊維を強化し、ボディとボリュームを追加します 髪の毛が柔らかく、より光沢があります
An iconic, restorative & ultra-nourishing lipcare. Contains a blend of oils – Plum kernel, Shea, Sweet White Lupin & Wheat germ oil concentrate. Helps instantly soothe & lastingly smooth lips. Infused with botanical butters – Kokum & Mango for intensely nourishing & moisturizing benefits. Revives the beauty of the lips to maintain the expressive power of your smile for longer.
洗練されたエレガントで時代を超越した香り 花のメモ付き 18カラットのゴールドストッパーを備えたガラスの炎に包まれています
A purifying shampoo gently cleanses & refreshes the scalp Eliminates surface impurities, styling product residue & sebum Contains bisabolol of natural origin to soothe hair Enriched with java tea extract, rosemary essential oil, exotic verbena essential oil, minerals (zinc, magnesium, copper) to purify & promote scalp oxygenation Lanced with Vitamin E Acetate as an antioxidant Adds cotton proteins to reinforce the hair's protein barrier Powered by Pro-vitamin B5 to strengthen the hair fiber, bringing shine & suppleness to hair Makes scalp feel purified Unveils lighter, more voluminous, glossy hair & radiates vitality Leaves a fresh & delicately scented trail
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
An alcohol-based spray deodorant Dries quickly allowing you to dress immediately Provides immediate freshness & effective protection throughout the day Scented with the subtle & refined notes of Eau du Soir Top notes are bergamot, lemon, basil, galbanum & wild herbs Middle notes are tomato leaves, jasmine, geranium, lily of the valley & plum Base notes are oak mouss accord, patchouli, vetiver & musk
An alcohol-based spray deodorant Pleasurably perfumed with the envigorating notes of Eau de Campagne Dries quickly allowing to dress immediately Provides instant & long-lasting freshness Masks perspiration odours & efficiently protects throughout the day
A floral fragrance for women Evokes an iris between water & ice It has the silky clear depths of fresh waters, like a crystalline song that grasps & awakens you Fresh, clean, light, dreamy & joyful Top notes are bergamot, cardamom, basil Middle notes are iris accord, jasmine accord, rose accord Base notes are vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral fragrance for women Evokes an iris between water & ice It has the silky clear depths of fresh waters, like a crystalline song that grasps & awakens you Fresh, clean, light, dreamy & joyful Top notes are bergamot, cardamom, basil Middle notes are iris accord, jasmine accord, rose accord Base notes are vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A fruity-leathery fragrance for women Sensual, vivacious, joyful, fantastical & inviting Top notes are bergamot, mandarin & ginger Middle notes are osmanthus, blackcurrant & nutmeg Base notes are vanilla, benjoin & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A fruity-leathery fragrance for women Sensual, vivacious, joyful, fantastical & inviting Top notes are bergamot, mandarin & ginger Middle notes are osmanthus, blackcurrant & nutmeg Base notes are vanilla, benjoin & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral & woody fragrance for women Leads you to revisit a tropical forest & imagine a utopian jungle after the rain Exotic, warm, vibrant, juicy & intriguing Top notes are bergamot, lemon & exotic flowers accord Middle notes are tuberose, violet & jasmine Base notes are amber, cedarwood & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral & woody fragrance for women Leads you to revisit a tropical forest & imagine a utopian jungle after the rain Exotic, warm, vibrant, juicy & intriguing Top notes are bergamot, lemon & exotic flowers accord Middle notes are tuberose, violet & jasmine Base notes are amber, cedarwood & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A green citrus fragrance for women Can works as an "Enhancer"" with other scents- intermingling & drawing out new dimensions in another fragrance Fresh, clear, refined, icy, earthy & uplifting Top notes are shiso leaves, bucchu leaves & mint Middle notes are geranium, papyrus & cedarwood Base notes are Ambroxan, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A green citrus fragrance for women Can works as an "Enhancer"" with other scents- intermingling & drawing out new dimensions in another fragrance Fresh, clear, refined, icy, earthy & uplifting Top notes are shiso leaves, bucchu leaves & mint Middle notes are geranium, papyrus & cedarwood Base notes are Ambroxan, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
An aromatic woody fragrance for women Takes inspiration from the radiant sun, freshness & proud landscapes of Corsica Warm, powerful, seductive, airy & earthy Top notes are lemon, bitter orange & geranium Middle notes are Lentisk, iris & reed Base notes are vetiver, sandalwood & cistus Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
An aromatic woody fragrance for women Takes inspiration from the radiant sun, freshness & proud landscapes of Corsica Warm, powerful, seductive, airy & earthy Top notes are lemon, bitter orange & geranium Middle notes are Lentisk, iris & reed Base notes are vetiver, sandalwood & cistus Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral fragrance for women Full of sunshine & has the depth & lightness of a seductive dream Fresh, intense, vivacious, spicy & sparkling Top notes of bergamot, black pepper & pink berries Middle notes of jasmine, rose & green tea Base notes of musk, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral fragrance for women Full of sunshine & has the depth & lightness of a seductive dream Fresh, intense, vivacious, spicy & sparkling Top notes of bergamot, black pepper & pink berries Middle notes of jasmine, rose & green tea Base notes of musk, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A luxurious, perfumed candle made of paraffin wax with a cotton wick Pleasantly illuminates a room with delicate notes & a powdery fragrance Recreates a night Tuberose, enhanced with precious balm & vanilla Burn time is approximately 45 hours Housed in a matte white lacquered glass case ideal as a home decor Caution: Burn on a heat resistant surface. Do not drop foreign matter or wick-trimmings into candle. Burn in an open area away from drafts. Keep candle burning within sight. Keep out of reach of children & pets
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
An ultra-precise universal dark spot corrector Features a fine, slightly iridescent, non-greasy emulsion texture Combines a patented complex with natural-origin key ingredients Reduces the size & intensity of all dark spots while fighting against the progression of recent dark spots Contains Meadow Bistort extract to fight against the appearance of older dark spots The innovative applicator brush perfectly targets all dark spots on the face, neck, décolleté & hands Reveals a more even & radiant complexion Suitable for all skin types, genders, ages & skin tones
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A revitalizing nourishing shampoo that gently cleans & nourishes while maintaining scalp comfort Enriched with botanical oils to help restore the hair fibre Infused with Moringa oil to replenish vitamins & minerals Controls frizz & visibly straightens hair Hair feels enveloped in softness as soon as it is rinsed Hair regains a beautiful, supple, & silky quality Suitable for all dry to very dry hair & dry scalps
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
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