Glowing Sun Body Oil High Protection SPF 30

Clarins Glowing Sun Body Oil High Protection SPF 30 150ml/5oz

  • A high protection nourishing dry oil that is ideal for soft & moisturised skin
  • Allows for quick absorption without a greasy feel
  • Enriched with organic argan oil, which is rich in fatty acids (omega 6 & 9), helps to soften, nourish & protect skin
  • Contains cosmetics, organic aloe vera extract which is highly valued for its moisturising & soothing properties
  • Infused with cocoa powder extract, titrated in polyphenols & OPCs (Oligomeric proanthocyanidins), is soothing & protects against oxidation
  • Scented with the harmonious & relaxing fruity notes
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Can also be applied to the hair to nourish & protect it from the drying effects of the sun
  • Water-resistant & suitable for outdoor activities
¥4,978 送料無料
  • 100%正規品保証
  • 日ヤマト運輸による追跡サービス付き無料配送です。通常配達には5日から10日かかります。受け取りの際にはサインが必要です。
  • 30日間の満足保証を提供します。 製品に問題がある場合は、メールを送信してください。保証付きの解決策を提供します。
カテゴリー Skincare
ブランド Clarins
サイズ 150ml/5oz

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