Moringa Oil

D Diamond Moringa Oil 10ml

  • Thai Ladies - Thailand DDiamond official certification agent 100% pure natural ingredients, Moringa oil serum products are all extracted using cold-pressed extraction method! Effectively smooths and moisturizes facial skin. Rejuvenates skin and reduces breakouts. Effectively improve allergies, scars, spots, blemishes and dissolve wrinkles caused by toxic substances. Jariya, the mother of D-Diamond, devoted her whole life to the anti-acne cause because of her personal experience of being troubled by acne for a long time when she was young.When she was young, she found an ancient Thai natural formula that was obviously helpful for the improvement of acne ,After researching and improving the formula, I improved myself! And helped thousands of Thai acne sufferers to get back a natural and beautiful face at a low price! Many real customers used D-Diamond series before and after Example 1 to effectively eliminate acne Pimples and acne marks! D-Diamond anti-acne file (clic
¥5,058 送料無料
  • 100%正規品保証
  • 日ヤマト運輸による追跡サービス付き無料配送です。通常配達には5日から10日かかります。受け取りの際にはサインが必要です。
  • 30日間の満足保証を提供します。 製品に問題がある場合は、メールを送信してください。保証付きの解決策を提供します。
カテゴリー Skincare
ブランド D Diamond
サイズ 10ml

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