Mon Cheri Collagen Gel Sleeping Mask

Mon Cheri Mon Cheri Collagen Gel Sleeping Mask Fixed

  • Collagen Gel Sleeping Mask Moisturizing in winter, non-sticky in summer Use for 28 consecutive days, effectively tightens the skin, restores elastic and smooth skin! Collagen gel is anti-gravity, it will not fall out even if it is turned upside down! After the collagen gel is crushed, it can be repaired and reorganized within 5 minutes, returning to its original shape. > From the age of 25, with age, the body will lose 1% of collagen year by year, and collagen accounts for 70% of the underlying muscle tissue, and it is also an important bridge to support skin cells! So collagen keeps losing, how can we not make up for the loss of collagen gel The Sleeping Mask is a rich anti-aging gel ideal for use as a pre-makeup primer/before bed at night to restore firmness, elasticity, tone and moisture to dehydrated skin. Apply it on the wrinkle area and massage it, the effect is more obvious. In addition to moisturizing, the mask has a significant firming effect, and it can al
¥8,370 送料無料
  • 100%正規品保証
  • 日ヤマト運輸による追跡サービス付き無料配送です。通常配達には5日から10日かかります。受け取りの際にはサインが必要です。
  • 30日間の満足保証を提供します。 製品に問題がある場合は、メールを送信してください。保証付きの解決策を提供します。
カテゴリー Skincare
ブランド Mon Cheri
サイズ Fixed

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