Anti-DandruffShampoo for Itchy Scalp - # Oak Tree

HAIROOM Anti-DandruffShampoo for Itchy Scalp - # Oak Tree

  • Anti-Dandruff (Oak Tree) Shampoo 450ml 6 additive-free (zero chemical damage, safe to use, care for your scalp and hair) 1. No synthetic colorants 2. Paraffin free 3. Silicon free 4. No alcohol 5. No mineral oil 6. No Paraben antiseptic Improve dandruff 100%, moisturize and soothe 100%, repair and smooth 100% Anti-dandruff itchiness formula, deeply cleans hair root Improves dandruff Anti-Dandruff, soothes itchiness: added active ingredients Piroctone - Olamine which can remove dandruff, it soothes itchy scalp and prevents odor Comprehensive scalp conditioning: repair scalp corneum residue, reduce dandruff and restore fresh and healthy scalp Hydroxypirox (piroctone olamine) Piroctone olamine is also known as piroctone ethanolamine. Is effective for treating fungal infections and can be used to treat dandruff caused by Bacillus dander.
  • The skin has its own ability to recovery, and achieve elasticity and anti-aging effect. Provitamin B5 Provitamin B5 has good moisturi
¥3,463 送料無料
  • 100%正規品保証
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  • 30日間の満足保証を提供します。 製品に問題がある場合は、メールを送信してください。保証付きの解決策を提供します。
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