Oil Control Shampoo - # Winter Rose

HAIROOM Oil Control Shampoo - # Winter Rose

  • Oil Control (Winter Rose) Shampoo 450ml Made in Taiwan 6 additive-free (zero chemical damage, safe to use, care for your scalp and hair) 1. No Synthetic Colorings 2. Paraffin-free 3. Silicone-free 4. Alcohol-free 5. No mineral oil 6. No Paraben antiseptic Regulate sebum 100%, purify scalp 100%, strengthen hair root 100% Natural care maintain oil balance, deep cleansing improves scalp oil secretion Nourishing and repairing Regulates sebum secretion: effectively regulates the excessive oil secretion of the scalp and maintain optimal balance. Purifies the scalp: Deeply cleanses excessive oil and chemical deposits on the scalp, reduces excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, balance oil secretion. Exposure to the sun causes clogging and accumulates oil secretion Achieving purification, cleanliness, freshness and comfort At the same time, it also strengthen hair roots, moisturize and grow
  • Protects coloring and moisturizing Antioxidant color protection: added Japanese W
¥3,463 送料無料
  • 100%正規品保証
  • 日ヤマト運輸による追跡サービス付き無料配送です。通常配達には5日から10日かかります。受け取りの際にはサインが必要です。
  • 30日間の満足保証を提供します。 製品に問題がある場合は、メールを送信してください。保証付きの解決策を提供します。
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